Hello, it's me again!
Today I'm finally writing about my cutiepie, Bella.
First off all, her name is not Millie, yup. The thing is, when the owner didn't reply to me, well that day she sold the pup I chosen (she hasn't seen my mail yet when she has sold it so yup) and I named that pup Millie. So, because I had to get "Millie"'s sister, I had to rename her. Even tho I didn't get the pup I originally wanted I am more than happy with Bella! I wouldn't give her away for anything!
Sunday, 26.10.2014 - I was waking up through the whole night but tried to sleep since I needed rest. I was so nervous! I got up at like 6 am and started panicking about everything (I was reaaally nervous but happy). Me and my little bro got ready first and were waiting for our parents outside for a while so we took few selfies so here is one:
(Excuse his non-excited face but it was kinda early for him and he was grumpy)
So, our family and the breeder family decided to meet on our borders (they were from Croatia and we are from Slovenia). Honestly I was afraid about if anything could go wrong at the crossing the border but everything was fine! Bella has a passport and a chip so no worries.
So yeah, a little bit before 10am the breeder family showed up with a cage and in it was Bella. She was so tiny! We exchanged papers and stuff we needed to do, I'll skip this part.
Let me show you more pictures of her and let me tell you a bit about her!
This is Bella in her cage on our way home-look how tiny she is compared to the cage (cage height -36cm):
Bella is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel so she is very playful and cuddly. We either sleep through the day or play until she's so tired she has to fall asleep again!
She is EXTREMELY lazy, today she woke up from a nap and was too lazy to get up (she was thirsty), she literally did this:
She is such a little dork!
I love her to pieces!
She loves to bite everything she can, she even bites my wig when I wear it haha!
I am so happy to have her! She literally makes my day better! Even tho I only have her for 4 days I am pretty much sure we will become best friends forever and she will live with me and Jon and our kids and other animals!
Well, that's all for today, thank you for staying with me till the end, haha!
I hope you are happy,
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